Eric Meer, founder and host of Café Sci2, has taken over the original Café Sci (1) in its new home at the Blake Street Tavern.
WE HAVE A NEW WEBSITE: Please visit it for current information
The Café Scientifique idea started in England in the late 1990s, based on the French Café Philosophique. In the Café Scientifique, people (often science buffs) come together in a friendly pub after work and hear an informal (no PowerPoint!) introduction to an interesting current scientific topic, led by an expert. We take a short break for refreshments, to meet new people, and chat, and then we return for questions and answers and general discussion. All questions and comments are welcome, as this isn't a seminar, it's a chance for all of us to express an opinion, expert or otherwise.
The Denver Café began in November 2003, making in now the oldest in the Americas, one of the largest in the world, and, we modestly believe, the best.Grady Booch, Chief Scientist at IBM, who spoke at the Café in 2004, wrote: "While I typically speak only to fellow geeks, this was absolutely the most refreshing encounter I've had in a very long time. It's wonderful to be among a group of such intelligent and diverse people who are passionate about pursuing knowledge and understanding." Dennis Van Gerven said of his talk: "I can honestly say I haven't had that much fun without losing consciousness in years!" Gene Abrams, who had to be convinced that Security would protect him from the angry mob if he tried to talk about mathematics, wrote: " In what ranks as one of the most satisfying and rewarding opportunities of my career, I had the privilege to share what I do with a group of tavern-goers who were thirsting for more than just the local microbrew." Dr. Connie Price described her talk about antibiotic-resistant MRSA as "Probably one of the most fun things I've done in my career."
Everyone is welcome!
The Colorado Café Scientifique was organized by J. John Cohen and an informal group of
President's Teaching Scholars and other faculty from CU and other institutions up and down the Front Range, as well as students, science types from industry and government, and science buffs. We welcome your input, including ideas
for speakers and topics. Bring them with you to the next Café, or e-mail
them and any questions to John Cohen.
This site was developed by Cheri Milliron. Colorado Café Sci logo © 2006 by Helen Macfarlane.