Dr. Freeman also hosts a monthly Walk with a Doc program in the Denver area where he volunteers his time to walk with patients on a Saturday morning to teach key health concepts, but also to explore using exercise as medicine for the greater good of the public. Finally, Dr. Freeman holds some key leadership positions in the Colorado chapter of the American College of Cardiology as well as at the national level, including chair of Community Outreach and Event, and a spot on the Patient-Centered Care Steering Committee. An avid teacher and educator, Dr. Freeman teaches medical and pharmacy students regularly, and has hosted many community lectures and CME programs. Finally, Dr. Freeman's dedication to the indigent is made evident by regular participation in the MCPN Free Community Cardiology clinic. Finally, Dr. Freeman was just nominated for the position of the Colorado American College of Cardiology Governor and Chapter President. |
Simple walking improves your health. Just 30 minutes of walking a day can reduce your risk of heart disease, improve blood pressure and blood sugar, elevate mood, and reduce risk of osteoporosis, cancer, and diabetes. Join your doctors on a monthly walk to improve your health, learn about important health topics, and meet new friends interested in improving their health with you. You'll get to spend time with your physicians, get to know them, and ask medical questions in an informal, relaxed, and fun way! You can hear about it in this brief YouTube video. Cardiac and pulmonary diseases are just some of the many ailments that can significantly improve with regular exercise. Unfortunately, motivation to get started is usually lacking for many patients. Walk with a Doc is a community outreach effort to empower patients to improve health through physical activity. It targets patients in an effort to get them to exercise side-by-side with their healthcare providers. Just as saving money is likely to be more successful when it is done automatically, exercise, when given an approachable framework, is more likely to result in success. Therefore, a program which offers both relevant and understandable health information and a regular venue for physical activity will not only promote patient health, but also will give patients the means to positively influence their health conditions on an ongoing basis.If you're curious about the Walk With A Doc program, the next event is: |