It has only been a little over 150 years since the very first publication on evolution appeared – "On the tendancy of species to form varieties; and on the perpetuation of varieties and species by means of selection" written by Charles Darwin and A.R. Russell in 1858 in the Proceedings of the Linnean Society. A few years later, T.H. Huxley wrote that the evidence for or against evolution could be found by examination of the fossil record. In those 150 years since, no evidence has come to refute the basic principles of evolution. Today, studies of evolution in the fossil record are beginning to transform many of our perceptions and ideas about species, extinctions, and causes of evolutionary change. The most important Pleistocene Site in Colorado from 50,000 to 150,000 years old was only discovered this past October by construction workers near Snowmass, Colorado. This new site will not only give us a new perspective on how we can better understand evolution but also will give us a new perspective on new episodes in Colorado History. Importantly studies of the past can give us important information about how climate and evolution are interrelated and how we can consider managing our future. Resources:Dr. Stucky and the Museum are particularly involved in the study of mammals from the Eocene period (about 55 to 45 million years ago) and has a very extensive collection; more about that here.