What is the Denver Café Scientifique2?
Many people have told us that the Café at the 'Koop is sometimes very crowded (yes, we noticed!) and also, Tuesdays are not always convenient for some people (if inconvenience were randomly distributed, that would be one seventh of our list). So we thought we'd try a second Café, never on the same night as the original. It's an experiment. Eric Meer, long-time Café enthusiast, is the point person, and a small (we hope, soon to grow) committee is helping him.
Place: Brooklyn's at the Pepsi Center. 901 Auraria Parkway, directly across the parkway from the Auraria Campus. Lots of free or cheap parking on non-game nights (drive around the little circle, into the lot, tell the attendant (if any) that you're coming to the Café Sci). This is a sports bar, and huge, but there is an upstairs lounge area that is pretty quiet on evenings when the Nuggets, Avalanche, Mammoth, and Broncos are not playing. That dictates when we will schedule a Café. They are nice people and the waitstaff are reported to all be science buffs; food and drink available throught the evening.
Time: 6:30 PM, running until 8 PM.
Next: Monday 29 August 2011.
Speakers: Our guest speakers for this event are Stephen Lyons from PBS, Project Director, The Mystery of Matter: Search for the Elements, and Carole Berg, Chemistry Professor, Bellevue College, Washington.
Topic: Marie Curie: A Lasting Legacy
More detail: Go to the Curie page
Future Café2s
Previous Café2 talks:
29 June 2011: Drs. James and Louise Gunderson on consciousness and artificial intelligence. Read about it.
23 May 2011: Russ Schnell on The Air You Breathe- It Ain't What it Used to Be! Read about it.
26 April 2011: David Grinspoon on What is life and how should we look for it elsewhere in the universe? Read about it.
28 March 2011: Richard Stucky on Salamander Showdown at the Ivory Condominium! Read about it.
21 February 2011: Webster Cash on Starshade: The Search for Habitable Planets & Life in the Universe! Read about it.
27 January 2011: Martin Lockley on the origin of consciousness! Read about it.
6 December 2010: Julien Riel-Salvatore on sophisticated Neanderthalst! Read about it.
28 October 2010: Timberley Roane on good bugs in the environment! Read about it.
Everyone is welcome!
Colorado Café Sci logos © 2006-2010 by Helen Macfarlane.